The Key to Scientific Names

Edited by James A. Jobling
1 to 54 of 54 results


(Anatidae; syn. Spatula  Puna Teal S. puna) Gr. αδηλος adēlos  obscure  <  negative prefix α- a-; δηλος dēlos visible; νηττα nētta  duck; "Genus Adelonetta Heine [Punanetta (!) Bp. 1856]." (Heine 1890); "Adelonetta Heine, in Heine and Reichenow, 1890, Nomencl. Musei Heineani Ornith., p. 346.  New name for Punanetta Bonaparte, 1856, considered poorly formed." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidaesyn. Anas Ϯ Red-billed Teal A. erythrorhyncha) Gr. Αιθιοπια Aithiopia  Ethiopian  < αιθω aithō  to burn; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face; νηττα nētta  duck; "Wenn wir nun aber erkannt haben, daß P. erythrorhyncha zu P. bahamensis ebensonahe bzw. ebensoferne Beziehungen hat wie zu P. versicolor und wohl auch zu P. punctata, so können wir logischer und konsequenterweise P. erythrorhyncha auch nicht mehr mit P. bahamensis subgenerisch vereinigen, sie aber auch nicht zu Punanetta oder Micronetta rechnen, sondern müssen sie in ein neues Subgenus einordnen. Für dieses schlage ich im Hinblick auf das Verbreitungsgebiet der Art den Namen vor:  Aethiopinetta nov. subgen.   Genotyp (Monotyp): Anas erythrorhyncha GMELIN, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, Kap der Guten Hoffnung.  ...  Aethiopinetta ist in allem durchaus intermediär zwischen Paecilonetta und Punanetta" (von Boetticher 1943) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Aethiopinetta Boetticher, 1943, Zool. Anzeiger, 142, p. 150.  Type, by original designation, Anas erythrorhyncha Gmelin." (Johnsgard in Peters, 1979, I, 2nd ed., p. 461).


(Anatidae; Brazilian Teal A. brasiliensis) Amazon River; Gr. νηττα nētta  duck. "Habitat in Brasilia" (J. Gmelin 1789): based on "Anas brasiliensis" of Brisson 1760 (ex "Mareca, alia species" of Marcgrave 1648); "Die brasilianische "Krick"ente ist eben gar keine Krickente, aber auch keine Knäck-, Schnatter- oder Pfeifente, sondern eine Sache ganz für sich!  Da sich bisher offenbar, soweit meine Nachforschungen es ergeben, nochniemand gefunden hat, der dem Rechnung zu tragen sich getraute, will ich, auch auf die Gefahr hin, durch Uebersehen irgend eines versteckten älteren Namens ein neues und darum überflüssiges Synonym zu schaffen, für die Gattung, die nach meiner Ansicht von N. brasiliense (Gmel.) und N. leucophrys (Vieill.) repräsentiert wird, in Ansehung des hauptsächlichsten Verbreitungsgebietes der Hauptart des Namen vorschlagen:  Amazonetta gen. nov.   ...    Amazonetta gen. nov.  a genere Nettion Kaup alis rotundioribus magno extensoque speculo, remigibus primariis speculo similiter ornatis, tectricibus inferioribus nigris, rostro fortiore latioreque, ungue maxillae latiore principaliter differt.  Typus: A. brasiliense (Gm.)" (von Boetticher 1929); "Amazonetta von Boetticher, 1929, Anzeiger Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, II, pp. 12, 15.  Type, by original designation, Anas brasiliensis Gmelin, 1789." (JAJ 2020).
Synon. Aixopsis.


(Anatidaesyn. Somateria Ϯ Spectacled Eider S. fischeri) Gr. αρκτος arktos  north; νηττα nētta  duck; "I take this opportunity of also exhibiting a beautiful drawing of the Lampronetta Fischeri of M. Brandt (Pl. CVIII.), of which only one example was known to exist in collections, viz. in the Museum of the Academy at St. Petersburgh. Mr. Adams had the good fortune to obtain, not only the male, but the female, during the voyage, as also the young male in change which is exhibited in the smaller drawing.  ...  I may observe that Mr. Adams had called the species, from the rich blue colour of the eyes, "Blue-eyed Eider Duck." As M. Brandt's subgeneric name of Lampronetta is so near Lampronessa of Wagler, it may be thought advisable to change it to Arctonetta." (G. Gray 1856); "Arctonetta G. Gray, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, XXIII (1855), p. 212.  New name for Lampronetta Brandt, 1847, if considered too close and confusable with Lampronessa Wagler, 1832." (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae; syn. Aythya Canvasback A. valisineria) Gr. αριστος aristos  best; νηττα nētta  duck; "Still A. vallisneria is much like Fuligula in all points, except the bill, which is merely longer, narrower, higher at the base, and sloping.  The nostrils are further forward, occupying the anterior portion of the posterior half of the bill.  Should it be considered expedient, for these reasons, to establish for the canvas-back a new genus, the name of Aristonetta would be very appropriate, on account of the great superiority of its flesh as an article of food." (Baird 1858); "Aristonetta Baird, 1858, Reports Explor. Surveys Railroad Mississippi Pacific Ocean, IX, p. 793.  Type, by monotypy, Aythya vallisneria = Anas valisineria Wilson, 1814." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; Ringed Teal C. leucophrys) Gr. καλλος kallos  beauty  < καλος kalos  beautiful; νηττα nētta  duck; "La Sarcelle à collier, de l'Amérique du Sud, a un système de coloration et des habitudes qui ne permettent de la ranger dans aucun sous-genre d'Anas. Cette espèce, bien que rappelant par la taille et la forme les Nettion, se rapproche un peu, par les attitudes nuptiales du mâle et la voix, des Milouins (Nyrocinés).  ... Je me vois donc obligé de proposer, pour y placer cet oiseau, le sous-genre: Callonetta subg. nov.  Type: Anas leucophrys, Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 5, 1816, p. 156 (Paraguay)" (Delacour 1936); "Callonetta Delacour, 1936, L'Oiseau Rev. Franç. Ornith., sér. nouv., VI (3), p. 369.  Type, by original designation, Anas leucophrys Vieillot, 1816." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; syn. Bucephala Bufflehead B. albeola) Gr. χαρις kharis, χαριτος kharitos  grace, beauty  < χαιρω khairō  to rejoice; νηττα nētta duck; "CHARITONETTA * n. gen.  (Type Anas albeola LIN.)  ... * Xαρις, χαριτος, grace; νηττα, , a duck.  ...  The Buffle-head is as well entitled to generic rank as the other genera among the Fuligulinæ, differing, as it does, in many important structural features from the two species Clangula glaucion and islandica" (Stejneger 1885); "Charitonetta Stejneger, 1885, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 29, p. 163.  Type, by original designation, Anas albeola Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).


(Psittaculidae; Pygmy Lorikeet C. wilhelminae) Genus Charmosyna Wagler, 1832, lorikeet; supposed L. dim. -etta (cf. Gr. adverb of degree ετι eti, moreover, further); "CHARMINETTA gen. nov.  Type, wilhelminae Meyer 1874 (Trichoglossus).   ...  WILHELMINA'S LORIKEET (Charminetta wilhelminae) has been called by one who saw it alive "this exquisite mite."  ...  Recalling in its colour pattern and coloration the comparatively huge Charmosyna, the minute size necessitates the introduction of the name Charminetta, with wilhelminae as type, and the name may be used subgenerically by those who prefer it." (Iredale 1956); "Charminetta Iredale, 1956, Birds New Guinea, I, pp. xv, 160, 161.  Type, by original designation, Trichoglossus wilhelminae Meyer, 1874." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; Ϯ Maned Duck / Australian Wood Duck C. jubata) Gr. χην khēn, χηνος khēnos  goose; νηττα nētta  duck; "The unique species of this genus has the aspect of a small goose, the size of a Wigeon. It has a short, compressed bill, recalling that of Brent Geese, but also that of the Carolina and Mandarin Wood Ducks and of the Pygmy Geese  ...  It also resembles the Sheldgeese (Tadornini), looking much like a miniature Chloephaga" (Delacour 1973);"Anas jubata Lath. (Anser lophotus Nob. in Museo Academico) habitu, collo, pedibus et rostri forma Berniclis, mandibulae armatura, corporis ptilosi et potissimum speculi alaris nitidi praesentia ad Anates accedit et simili modo inter Anseres et Anates medium tenet, quo Anseres Cygnopsides inter Cygnos et Anseres. Quare forsan peculiarem subgeneris typum (Chenonetta? i.e. Anser anatinus) sistere posset" (Brandt 1836); "Chenonetta Brandt, Descr. Icon. Anim. Ross. Nov. Aves, fasc. 1, 1836, p. 5. Type, by monotypy, Anser lophotus Brandt = Anas jubata Latham." (Peters 1931, I, p. 152).
Synon. ChaitenessaChenalopex, Chlamydochen, Euryanas.

Cosmenetta (See: Cosmonessa)

Gr. κοσμος kosmos  ornament; νησσα nēssa  duck.
● (Anatidae; syn. Aix † Wood Duck A. sponsa) “Genera et Species typicae.   ...   c.  *Cosmonessa Kaup.  sponsa (Anas — L. Gm.) Kp.  Tab. IX. Caput, culmen. — Ic. Av. t. 95. ic. 190—195.” (Reichenbach 1853); “Cosmonessa “Kaup” Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. X (not of Kaup, 1829).  Type, by original designation, Anas sponsa Linnaeus, 1758.” (JAJ 2022).  
● (Anatidae; syn. Histrionicus Harlequin Duck H. histrionicus) "1. Anas minuta, histrionica.  ...  1. Schmuckente. Cosmonessa **).  (Anas minuta et histrionica.)  Entw[ickelung]. Wie bei den Berniklen.  Char[akter]. Eidergänse in verjüngtem Maßstab, ohne Verlängerung der Seite des Schnabels in die Stirn.  Leb[ensart]. Sie gleichen hierin den Eidergänsen.   ...  **) κοσμος, Schmuck.  νησσα, Ente." (Kaup 1829); "Cosmonessa Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entwick.-Gesch. Natürliches System Europ. Thierwelt, p. 146.  Type, by monotypy, Anas minuta Linnaeus, 1758 = Anas histrionicus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Cosmenetta (Gr. νηττα nētta duck), Cosmonetta.


(Anatidae; syn. Aythya Redhead A. americana) Gr. δυω duō   to dive, to plunge; νηττα nētta  duck; "Von den beiden amerikanischen Tafelenten, Aristonetta vallisineria (WILSON) und A. americana (EYTON), die im selben Gebiet zusammen vorkommen und daher nicht zum selben Artenkreis gehören, ist die erstere nichts weiter als eine größere, längerhalsige, längerschnäbelige und hellere Form der eurasiatischen Tafelente, Aristonetta ferina (L.).  Auch in der scharlachroten Augenfärbung stimmen beide Arten überein und weichen von dem gelbäugigen Red-Head deutlich ab. Letzterer hingegen, der sog[enannt]. Red-Head steht außerhalb dieses Artenkreises und weicht schon durch die Kopfform mit dem deutlich abgerundeten Schädel und der steil ansteigenden Stirn, dem sehr kurzen Schnabel und die buschigen, bürstenartig emporstehenden Stirn- und Scheitelfedern ab.  Nach den WOLTERS'schen Kriterien für die Abgrenzung der Untergattungen ist es daher geboten, diesen Red-Head, die "Westente" subgenerisch zu sondern.  Ich benenne diese nur aus dieser Art als Genotyp bestehende Untergattung als Dyseonetta. subgen. nov. (Genotyp: Fuligula americana EYTON, Monogr. Anat., 1838, S. 155, Nordamerika)" (von Boetticher 1950) (Laurent Raty in litt.); "Dyseonetta von Boetticher in Wolters and von Boetticher, 1950, Beiträge zur Gattungssystematik der Vögel, II, System Enten u. Gänsevogel, p. 43.  Type, by original designation, Fuligula americana Eyton, 1838." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Brown Teal A. chlorotis) Gr. ελασμος elasmos  plate, lamella; νηττα nētta  duck; "ELASMONETTA.   Elasmonetta, Salv. MS. . . .Type. E. chlorotis.   Bill compressed, soft on the edges of the apical part of the upper mandible, lamellæ extremely developed; wings well developed" (Salvadori 1895); "Elasmonetta Salvadori, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vol. xxvii. p. 287 (after Sept. 6th), 1895.  Type (by original designation): Anas chlorotis Gray." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 217).


(Anatidae; syn. Polysticta Steller's Eider P. stelleri) Gr. ἑνικος henikos  unique; nētta duck; "*ENICONETTA, n.  Anas, Pall.  Polysticta a, Eyton.  Macropus, Nutt.  Stelleria b, Bonap.   E. Stelleri (Pall.) n.  A. dispar, Sparr. Mus. Carl. I. t. 7. 8.   ...   Previously employed, ending in e.   b Employed in Botany." (G. Gray 1840); “HENICONETTA. Wrongly spelled Eniconetta in the original description  ... The A. O. U. Check-List and Hartert in the Hand-list of British Birds use Polysticta Eyton ...  but this is antedated by Polisticte Smith, 1835” (BOU 1915); "Eniconetta G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 75.  New name for Polysticta Eyton, 1836, considered preoccupied by Polysticte A. Smith, 1836, and for Stelleria Bonaparte (i.e. Stellaria Bonaparte, 1838, not Stelleria Bonaparte, 1842), considered preoccupied in Botany (Zoology and Botany are now treated as two different disciplines)." (JAJ 2021).  
Var. Heniconetta.


(Anatidae; syn. Somateria King Eider S. spectabilis) Gr. εριον erion  wool, down; νηττα nētta duck; "among the eiders proper I would now separate the king eider subgenerically, under the name of Erionetta, from Somateria proper" (Coues 1884); "Erionetta Coues, Key N. Amer. Bds., 2nd ed., p. 709. 1884—type, by monotypy, Anas spectabilis Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 385).

Etteronetta (See: HETERONETTA)

(Anatidae; Ϯ Black-headed Duck H. atricapilla) Gr. ἑτερος heteros  different; νηττα nētta  duck; the Black-headed Duck is unique amongst wildfowl in being nest-parasitic, laying its eggs chiefly in the nests of other ducks and coots; "Il secondo genere è fondato sull' Anas melanocephala, che connette il genere Anas colle Erismature e forma il genere Etteronetta.  ...   Inoltre l'A. melanocephala ha un sistema di colorazione simile a quello delle Erismaturinae, ed è tale da darle una particolare fisonomia affatto diversa da quella delle vere Anas, tutte somigliantissime tra loro, e, si noti, molte tra esse poco differenti dalla femmina della specie tipica, cioè della comunissima A. boschas. Per queste ragioni stimo dover attribuire l'A. melanocephala, Vieill. ad un genere particolare.  HETERONETTA, nov. gen.  Characteres generis ANATIS praebet sed apice rostri valde incurvo ac strictiore; alis brevibus, SPECULO ALARI NULLO; cauda brevissima, rectricibus strictis, rigidiusculis; tarsis digitibusque mediocribus; unguibus acutis; PTILOSI ERISMATURINA.  Typus ac sp. unica: Heteronetta melanocephala." (Salvadori 1866) (see Hemiparra); "Heteronetta Salvadori, Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Milano, 8, 1865, p. [270], 374. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Anas melanocephala Vieillot (not Gmelin) = Anas atricapilla Merrem." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 172). 
Var. Etteronetta (original spelling).


(Anatidae; syn. Mareca  Falcated Duck M. falcata) Gr. ευ eu  fine; νηττα nētta duck; "35. Eunetta, Bp.  107. falcata, Pall. (falcaria, Lath.)   108. formosa, Georgi (torquata, Messerschm. nec V.  picta, Stell.  baikal, Bonn.  glocitans, Pall. nec Gm.)   109. bimaculata, Penn. (glocitans, Gm. nec Pall.)" (Bonaparte 1856); "Eunetta Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 43, p. 650, 1856—type, by subs. desig. [Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XXVII, p. 218, 1895], Anas falcata Pallas." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 344).


(Anatidae; syn. Bucephala Common Goldeneye B. clangula) Gr. γλαυκιον glaukion  type of duck with glaring eyes  < γλαυκος glaukos  glaucous, gleaming; νηττα nētta duck; "Should Harelda, after all, turn out to have the priority over "Clangula Leach, 1819," Clangula being a strict synonym of the former cannot be used for the golden-eyes in any case. As all the subsequent generic names bestowed upon the latter group are preoccupied, a new name has to be chosen, for which I propose  GLAUCIONETTA.†  ...  † γλαυκιον, glaucium; νηττα, anas.  Type Anas clangula Linn." (Stejneger 1885); "Glaucionetta Stejneger, 1885, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 8, p. 409.  Type, by original designation, Anas clangula Linnaeus." (Johnsgard in Peters, 1979, I, 2nd ed., p. 494).

Former Italian name Grinetta for the Little Crake (syn. Zapornia parva).

According to Ray 1678, Grinetta was the Italian name given to a small waterbird, perhaps a sort of crake or sandpiper (syn. Actitis hypoleucos, syn. Tringa stagnatilis).


(Scolopacidae; syn. Actitis Common Sandpiper A. hypoleucos) Italian name Grinetta for some sort of small waterbird, perhaps a sandpiper or a crake (Ray 1678); "LA GUIGNETTE.  ...  GUINETTA" (Brisson 1760): ex "Hypoleucos" of Gessner 1555, Tringa Hypoleucos Linnaeus, 1758, and other references; "GUINETTA, Briss.  Tringa, L.  Totanus, Cuv.  Actitis, Boie.  Tringoïdes, Bonap.    G. hypoleuca, (L.) n., Pl. enl. 850.  Act. hypoleucos, Boie" (G. Gray 1840); "Guinetta Gray, List Genera Birds, 1st ed. p. 68, April 1840.  Type (by original designation): Tringa hypoleucos." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 171).


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Laysan Duck A. laysanensis) Gr. ὁριζω horizō  to limit; νηττα nētta  duck; "The Laysan teal, Anas laysanensis, is a bird of considerable interest by reason of its rarity and its limited island distribution.  ...  As it is not referable to any other known genus, it becomes necessary to provide a new monotypic generic group for its reception, as follows:  Horizonetta, gen. nov. †.  Chars. gen.— Similar to Anas Linnaeus, but bill more spatulate, decidedly wider terminally than at base, more depressed and slightly upturned; basal portion of culmen more elevated, narrower and more sharply ridged; nail of maxilla more triangular; lamellae of maxilla and mandible much less well developed, in places even obsolescent; and tertials relatively longer.  Type.— Anas laysanensis Rothschild.   Remarks.— Excepting Anas Linnaeus, the nearest ally of this peculiar genus is apparently Querquedula Stephens.  ...  † from ὁριζω, limito; νηττα, anas." (Oberholser 1917); "Horizonetta Oberholser, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. vol. xxx. p. 119, May 23rd, 1917.  Type (by original designation): Anas laysanensis Rothsch." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 214).


(Anatidae; syn. Cairina Muscovy Duck C. moschata) Gr. ὑς hus, ος huos  pig, hog; νηττα nētta  duck; "Hyonetta, pro Caïrina! Flem. Phil. Zool. 1822 (moschata L)  ...  Nomen: ὑς, Sus et νηττα, anas, propter vitæ rationem sordidum" (Sundevall 1873); "Hyonetta Sundevall, 1873, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon. Tentamen, pt. II, p. 146.  New name for Cairina Fleming, 1822, considered barbarous and an erroneous toponym." (JAJ 2021) (see Cairina).


(Anatidae; syn. Aythya Ferruginous Duck A. nyroca) Gr. ιλυς ilus, ιλυος iluos  mud, slime; νηττα nētta  duck; "Genus Ilyonetta Heine  [Nyroca (!) Flemm. 1822]" (Heine 1890); "Ilyonetta Heine, in Heine & Reichenow, 1890, Nomencl. Musei Heineani Ornith., p. 347.  New name for Nyroca Fleming, considered barbarous because of its vernacular etymology." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; syn. Somateria Spectacled Eider S. fischeri) Gr. λαμπρος lampros  splendid; νηττα nētta  duck; "bb) Subgenus Lampronetta nob.   ...   Fuligula Fischeri igitur novum evolutionis typum inter Somaterias et Polystictas maxima ex parte intermedium constitueredebet, cui quidem subgeneris notionem merito eodem jure tribuere possumus, quo Somateriae, Oedemiae et aliae multae distinguuntur.   Quo clarius tamen novi subgeneris notae atque affinitates ante oculos ponantur, quod ob habitum externum satis splendidum Lampronettae i. e. Anatis splendidae (a λαμπρος splendidus et νηττα  anas) nomine designavi, subgenerum magis affinium characteres, nominatim Somateriarum et Polystictarum fusius eruendi erunt.   ...   Subgenus 2.  LAMPRONETTA NOB.   Character essentialis.     Rostrum versus frontem parum elevatum, antice parum dilatatum, lateribus parum compressum, capitis longitudine parum brevius, cum tarso quoad longitudinem comparatum = 26:19, versus apicem supra deoressum; paratonorum ejus inferiores margines parum fortiter deflexi.  Uncus apicalis parum convexus, depressiusculus supra adpressam mandibulam marginis satis brevis, rotundati forma prominens.  Maxillae lamellulae mediocres parum confertae in lineae binae.  Mandibulae lamellulae mediocres, satis confertae in lineae spatio ternae.  Nares supra parte posteriore potissimum pennis brevibus dense tectae.  Ptilosis genalis et frontalis confluxae, aream triangularem supra rostrum formantes; frontalis in dorso rostri areae subtriangularis, sed a ptilosi genali non sejunctae forma supra et adeo paulisper ante nares conspicua; genalis pariter triangularis infra supra maxillae inferiorem marginem nudum linea obliqua truncata, ita ut paratoni pars nuda subjacens acute triangularis appareat.  Digitus externus medio longitudine aequalis.   ...   Species: Fuligula (Lampronetta) Fischeri Nov. Spec." (Brandt 1847); "Lampronetta Brandt, 1847, Fuligulam (Lampronettam) Fischeri, novam avium rossicarum speciem praemiss. obs. Fuligularum generis, p. 9.  Type, by monotypy, Fuligula (Lampronetta) fischeri Brandt, 1847." (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae; Ϯ Crested Duck L. specularioides) Gr. λοφος lophos  crest; νηττα nētta  duck; "Count Salvadori [Cat. Birds Br. Mus., xxvii, 1895, 217.] says of Anas cristata: "This species is not a very typical member of the genus Anas." When a species does not conform to the diagnosis of a genus or does not fit in one without making it too elastic, I believe that it is best to remove such species, and accordingly I propose Lophonetta with Anas cristata Gmelin as the type, with the following diagnosis: Differs from Anas in possessing a hair-like nuchal crest; in the middle tail-feathers being lengthened, broad, and acute, not recurved; and in having the tail composed only of 14 feathers instead of 18-20." (Riley 1914); "Lophonetta Riley,1914, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, XXVII, p. 100. Type, by original designation, Anas cristata Gmelin, 1789 (not of Fischer, 1778) =  Anas specularioides King, 1828" (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae;  Marbled TealMarbled Duck M. angustirostris) Gr. μαρμαρος marmaros  marble  < μαρμαιρω marmairō  to sparkle; νηττα nētta  duck; "Genera et Species typicae.   ...   *Mareca STEPH.   ...   d. *Marmaronetta Rchb.  angustirostris (Anas —Bp.) R.  Ic. Av. t. 90. ic. 341—342.  t. 91. ic. 2652." (Reichenbach 1853); "Marmaronetta Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. ix.  Type, by original designation, Anas angustirostris Bp., i.e. Ménétriés, 1832." (JAJ 2023).
Var. Marmonetta.

Melanetta (See: MELANITTA)

(Anatidae; Velvet Scoter M. fusca) Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; νηττα nētta  duck; "131.  Melanitta fusca. — Anas fusca Lin.    132. Melanitta nigra Lin. — Anas nigra id." (Boie 1822 (Tagebuch Reise Norwegen)); "Familie. Enten, Anas.  ...  155. Gattung. Melanitta.   395. nigra.  396. fusca.  397. perspicillata." (Boie 1822 (Isis)); "Melanitta Boie, Isis von Oken, 1822, col. 564.  Type, by subsequent designation, Anas fusca Linné. (Eyton, Monogr. Anat., 1838, p. 52.)" (Peters, 1931, I, 181); "Melanitta Boie, 1822 (before May), Tagebuch Reise Norwegen, pp. 308 [not found], 351; also 1822, Isis von Oken, col. 564.  Type, by subsequent designation (Eyton, 1838, Monogr. Anatidae, p. 52), Anas fusca Linnaeus." (Johnsgard in Peters, 1979, I, 2nd ed., p. 492).
Var. Melanetta.
Synon. Ania, Maceranas, Macroramphus, Melanonetta, Oidemia, Pelionetta, Phaeonetta.


(Anatidae; syn. Melanitta † Velvet Scoter M. fusca) Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; νηττα nētta   duck; "Oedemia, "Oidemia" Fl. l. c., Melanitta! Boie,  pro Melanonetta; (A. nigra  —  et A. fusca L)  ...  Color niger." (Sundevall 1873); "Melanonetta Sundevall, 1873, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon. Tentamen, pt. II, p. 149.  New name for Melanitta Boie, 1822, considered incorrectly formed." (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae; syn. Clangula Long-tailed Duck C. hyemalis) Gr. μελος melos  song, tune; νηττα nētta  duck; "Melonetta, pro Harelda! Leach (glacialis L)  ...  Nomen Melonetta: Anas canora, ob cantum vernalem suavem et sonorum.  Harelda! sonus sensu carens" (Sundevall 1873); "Melonetta Sundevall, 1873, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon. Tentamen, pt. II, p. 149.  New name for Harelda "Leach" Stephens, 1824, considered incomprehensible." (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae; Ϯ Torrent Duck M. armata) Genus Mergus Linnaeus, 1758, merganser; Gr. νηττα nētta  duck; "In many of its characters it approaches the Ducks (Anatidæ), but in others it evinced an affinity to the Mergansers (Mergus), especially in its long and stiff tail-feathers, and narrow and pointed beak. It differs, however, from either of the groups mentioned in having, in both sexes, a strong spur on the wing. Mr. Gould proposed for this new bird the name Merganetta armata.   Genus MERGANETTA.  Rostrum haud minus longum quam caput, rectum; fere cylindraceum, ungue apicali distincto, incurvato, at minus abrupte quam in genere Mergus dicto.  Mandibula superior lamelloso-dentata, vel tornio crasso carneo, intus profunde serrato, instructa; naribus linearibus fere centralibus.  Alæ mediocres primariis secundo et tertio longissimis; humeris calcare valido et acuto armatis.  Cauda, ut in mergo, rigida.  Tarsi aliquanto elongati, squamis hexagonis ad latera obtecti, et antice scutellis. Digiti palmati, medio quam tarsus paululum longiore; halluce libero, alte posito, et paululum lobato.  MERGANETTA ARMATA. " (Gould 1842); "Merganetta Gould, Proc. Zoöl. Soc. London, 1841 (1842), p. 95. Type, by monotypy, Merganetta armata Gould." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 188).  Recent work indicates that this currently monospecific genus again should be split into three separate species (i.e. M. armata, M. colombiana, M. leucogenis).
Var. Marganetta.
Synon. Raphipterus.


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Hottentot Teal A. hottentota) Gr. μικρος mikros  small; νηττα nētta  duck; ""The smaller species sometimes removed under the name of Nettion, or Nettium, should naturally also be separated; of the species commonly lumped in this genus, there are two names to be considered, Nettion, genotype N. crecca, and Virago, genotype V. gibberifrons.  Both our species, capensis and punctata, differ from these genotypes in the greater length of the secondaries and breadth of the bill; capensis differs further from them in that the lamellae project prominently below the tomia of the bill, while punctata (which has the lamellae as in Nettion and Virago) has fewer tail feathers (only fourteen) and the colour markings of the wing as in "Nettion" brasiliense, which may perhaps prove to be congeneric.  Having regard to these differences, I would raise our two species to generic rank, as follows:  Notonetta gen. nov., genotype Anas capensis Gmelin.    Micronetta gen. nov., genotype A. punctata Burchell." (A. Roberts 1922); "Micronetta A. Roberts, 1922, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 204.  Type, by original designation, Anas punctata Burchell, 1822 = Querquedula hottentota Eyton, 1838." (JAJ 2020); "Anas punctata Burchell, 1822  ...  Querquedula hottentota Eyton, 1838  ...  The specific name hottentota, as published in the binomen Querquedula hottentota Eyton 1838, has been placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology with the Name No. 2600, and the specific name punctata, as published in the binomen Anas punctata Burchell 1822, has been placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology with the Name No. 1018, by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, Opin. 1078, 1977, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 34, pp. 14-15" (Johnsgard in Peters, 1979, I, 2nd ed., p. 476).


(Anatidae; † Dwarf Shelduck N. invisitata) Gr. νανος nanos  dwarf; νηττα nētta  duck; "the majority of the subfamilial characters displayed by Nannonetta agree with those of the subfamily Tadorninae.  Therefore, I believe Nannonetta belongs with that sufamily.  N. invisitata then becomes the smallest representative of the subfamily known, being approximately two-thirds the size of Tadorna and Lophonetta." (Campbell 1979); "Nannonetta Campbell, 1979, Life Sciences Contributions Royal Ontario Museum, No. 118, p. 34.  Type, by original designation, Nannonetta invisitata Campbell, 1979." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Auckland Island Teal A. aucklandica) Gr. νησος nēsos island (= Auckland Is., New Zealand); νηττα nētta  duck; "NESONETTA.  ...  The type of this genus is peculiar to the Auckland Islands, but its habits are at present unknown.  N. aucklandica.  -  Mergus australis Homb. & Jacq. in Ann. Sci. Nat. sér. 2. xv. p. 320.?" (G. Gray 1844); "Nesonetta Gray, Genera Birds, vol. iii. p. 627, Sept. 1844.  Type (by original designation): N. aucklandica Gray." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 217).


(Anatidae; Ϯ Red-crested Pochard N. rufina) Gr. νηττα nētta or νησσα nēssa  duck. In Gr. myth. Nēssa was one of the Pierides, who, having failed to best the Muses in a singing contest, was transformed into a duck. "1. Anas rufina  ...  1. Hollenente. Netta*)  E[ntwickelung]. Wie gewöhnlich.  Ch[arakter]. Sehr große Moorenten mit breiter, dicker Holle.  L[ebensart]. Hierin gleichen sie den Moorenten.  ...  *) νηττα, Ente.   ...   271. Netta (A. rufina)." (Kaup 1829); "Netta Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw., 1829, p. 102 [, 196]. Type, by monotypy, Anas rufina Pallas." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 173).
Synon. BrantaCallichen, Fulgula, Mergoides, Metopiana, Metopias, Phaeonetta, Phoeoaythia.


(Anatidae; syn. Tadorna Ruddy Shelduck T. ferruginea) Gr. νηττα nētta  duck; αλωπηξ alōpēx, αλωπεκος alōpekos  fox; "Genus Nettalopex Heine  [Casarca (!) Bp. 1853]" (Heine 1890); "Nettalopex Heine, in Heine & Reichenow, 1890, Nomencl. Musei Heineani Ornith., p. 343.  New name for Casarca Bonaparte, 1853, considered barbarous by reason of its vernacular roots." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; † African Pygmy Goose N. auritus) Gr. νηττα nētta  duck; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot; the African Pygmy Goose was considered to have the feet and body of a duck, and the bill and neck of a goose; "D. Subgen. NETTAPUS NOB.  Rostri forma ut in Bernaclis, sed in mandibula, ut in Anseribus genuinis, exterior seu lateralis lamellarum series nulla.  Collum elongatum.  Pedes admodum breves.  Tarsi digito medio propriae longitudinis tertia parte breviores.  Unicam speciem huic inserendam huc usque sistit Anser madagascariensis seu Anas madagascariensis Auct., quae quidem rostro et collo Anserem, pedum structura autem et corpore Anatem praebet." (Brandt 1836); "Nettapus Brandt, Descr. Icon. Anim. Ross. Nov., Aves, fasc. 1, 1836, p. 5. Type, by monotypy, Anas madagascariensis Gmelin = Anas aurita Boddaert." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 172).
Var. Nettopus, Nettepus.
Synon. Anserella, Cheniscus, Microcygna, Nessarius.
● (Anatidae; quasi-syn. Nettapus † Cotton Pygmy Goose N. coromandelianus) “Genera et Species typicae.   ...   a. *Nettapus Brandt.  coromandelianus (Anas —a  L. Gm.) Brdt.  Tab. X.  Caput, culmen, pes. — Ic. Av. t. 96. ic. 931—939.” (Reichenbach 1853); “Nettapus “Brandt” Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. IX.  Type, by original designation, Anas coromandeliana Gmelin, 1789.” (JAJ 2022).


(Anatidae; syn. Aythya  Greater Scaup A. marila) Gr. νητταριον nēttarion  little duck, duckling (originally a term of endearment)  < dim. νηττα nētta  duck; "Fulix of Sundevall, (Kong. Sv. Vet. Ak. Hand. for 1835, 1836, 129,) assigned here by Gray, is merely used as a name for one group of the ducks with lobed hind toe, Somateria, his genera being Somateria, Fulix, and Mergus.  Still, as he gives no type and names no species, it may be admissable to assign the name to a particular genus, and I shall therefore retain it for the present division.  Should this be considered inadmissable, I would propose the name of Nettarion for the same genus.  The Fuligula collaris of North American species appears most to resemble the type" (Baird 1858); "Nettarion Baird, 1858, Reports Explorations Surveys Railroad Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean, IX, p. 790.  Another name for Fulix Sundevall, 1836, should that name prove unacceptable." (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Cape Teal A. capensis) Gr. νοτος notos  south; νηττα nētta  duck; "The smaller species sometimes removed under the name of Nettion, or Nettium, should naturally also be separated; of the species commonly lumped in this genus, there are two names to be considered, Nettion, genotype N. crecca, and Virago, genotype V. gibberifrons.  Both our species, capensis and punctata, differ from these genotypes in the greater length of the secondaries and breadth of the bill; capensis differs further from them in that the lamellae project prominently below the tomia of the bill, while punctata (which has the lamellae as in Nettion and Virago) has fewer tail feathers (only fourteen) and the colour markings of the wing as in "Nettion" brasiliense, which may perhaps prove to be congeneric.  Having regard to these differences, I would raise our two species to generic rank, as follows:  Notonetta gen. nov., genotype Anas capensis Gmelin.    Micronetta gen. nov., genotype A. punctata Burchell." (A. Roberts 1922); "Notonetta A. Roberts, 1922, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 204.  Type, by original designation, Anas capensis Gmelin, 1789." (JAJ 2020).

Paecilonetta (See: Paecilonitta)

(Anatidae; syn. Anas White-cheeked Pintail A. bahamensis) Gr. ποικιλος poikilos  spotted; νηττα nētta  duck; "PÆCILONITTA nobis    TYPE. Pæcilonitta Bahamensis.  We have formed this genus for the reception of Anas Bahamensis and its near ally Anas Erythrorhyncha.   Affinity. In default of anatomical character, and from general structure, this genus appears to be nearly allied to Dafila.  ...  PÆCILONITTA BAHAMENSIS.  ...  rostro duabus coccineis maculis lateribus" (Eyton 1838); "Paecilonetta Eyton, 1838, Monogr. Anatidae, p. 32.  Type, by original designation, Paecilonetta bahamensis, i.e. Anas bahamensis Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Poecilonetta, Poecilonitta, Paecilonetta, Paecolinitta.


(Anatidae; syn. Clangula Long-tailed Duck C. hyemalis) Gr. παγος pagos  sea-ice; νηττα nētta  duck; ""1. Anas glacialis.  ...  1. Eisente. Pagonetta.   E[ntwickelung]. Wie bei allen Enten.   Ch[arakter].  Schmuckenten mit hellfarbigem Gefieder und außerordentlich verlängerten mittleren Schwanzfedern.   L[ebensart]. Wie bei den Schmuckenten.   ...   262. Pagonetta (A. glacialis)." (Kaup 1829); "Pagonetta Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Nat. Syst. Europ. Thierw., pp. 66, 196, 1829—type, by monotypy, Anas glacialis Linnaeus = Anas hyemalis Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), 381).


(Anatidae; syn. Melanitta Surf Scoter M. perspicillata) Gr. πελιος pelios  black and blue, bruised; nētta  duck; "1. Anas perspicillata.  ...  1. Brillenente. Pelionetta *).   E[ntwickelung]. Wie gewöhnlich.   Ch[arakter]. Tauchenten mit sehr breitem Schnabel dessen nackte Haut bis zu den Augen geht.   L[ebensart]. Hierin gleichen sie den Sammtenten, füttern aber ihr Nest mit Dunen aus.   ...   *) πελιος, schwarzbraun und νηττα, Ente.   ...   273. Pelionetta (A. perspicillata)." (Kaup 1829); "Pelionetta Kaup, 1829, Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Geschichte Europäisch. Thierwelt, pp. 107, 196.  Type, by monotypy, Anas perspicillata Linnaeus." (Johnsgard in Peters, 1979, I, 2nd ed., p. 492).


(Anatidae; syn. Aythya Ring-necked Duck A. collaris) Gr. περισσος perissos  wonderful; νηττα nētta  duck; "Perissonetta, gen. nov. 1   Diagnosis.— Similar to Nyroca, but length of exposed culmen equal to length of inner toe with claw (instead of decidedly shorter); feathering on sides of maxilla extending forward as far as the feathering at the base of the culmen; anterior outline of feathering at the base of culmen broadly convex; and length of wing only about 4 times the length of exposed culmen.  ...   Type. — Anas collaris Donovan.  ...  As the characters that we have above given show, this species forms one of the most trenchantly distinct groups among the genera allied to Nyroca.   ...   1 perissós, mirabilis; nētta, anas." (Oberholser 1921); "Perissonetta Oberholser, 1921, Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci, 1920 (1921), p. 110.  Type, by original designation, Anas collaris Donovan, 1809." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. φαιος phaios  dusky, brown; νηττα nētta  duck.  
● (Anatidae; syn. Melanitta  Velvet Scoter M. fusca) "MELANITTA Boie, 1822, becomes PHÆONETTA nom. nov.  —  The first species under Melanitta Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 564, in the original diagnosis is Anas nigra L. so that this genus becomes a synonym of Oidemia which has the same type. For Melanitta of the Check-List I propose Phæonetta 2  type Anas fusca L.  ...  2 φαιος brown, νηττα a duck." (Stone 1907); "Phaeonetta Stone, 1907, Auk, XXIV (2), p. 198.  Type, by original designation, Anas fusca Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. PhoenonettaPhoeonetta.
● (Anatidae; syn. Netta Southern Pochard N. erythrophthalma) "Contrairement à l'opinion généralement admise, l'observation d'exemplaires vivants m'oblige à la considérer comme absolument distincte des Nyroca, sans grande affinité en particulier avec le Nyroca aux yeux blancs (N. ferruginea).  Ses formes allongées et légères la rapprochent complètement des Brantes [Netta] et des Péposacas [Metopiana], et je me vois forcé de la ranger comme eux dans un genre particulier pour lequel je propose le nom: Phæonetta gen. nov. en raison de sa couleur générale brun foncé; type: Anas erythrophtalma [sic] Wied, Beitr. Naturg. Brasil, 4, 1832, p. 929 (Lagoa do Braço, Villa Belmonte, S. Brésil)" (Delacour 1936); "Phaeonetta Delacour, 1936, Oiseau Rev. Franç. d'Ornithologie, VI (3), p. 377 (not of Stone, 1907).  Type, by original designation, Anas erythrophthalma zu Wied, 1832." (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Philippine Duck A. luzonica) Philippine Is.; Gr. νηττα nētta  duck; "Die auf der Inselgruppe der Philippinen lebende Schwimmente, Anas luzonica Fraser zeigt zwar äusserlich in der Art der Kopfzeichnung, nicht aber auch in der Färbung dieser Teile, eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit mit der australischen Wildente, Anas superciliosa Gmel. und deren conspeciellen Rassen.  ...  Diese Abweichungen scheinen mir zu genügen, der Philippinenente eine etwas gesonderte Stellung im System der Schimmenten einzuräumen und sie aus dem Verbande der eigentlichen und typischen Anas-Arten, zu denen ich Anas platyrhynchos L., A. superciliosa Gmel., A. fulvigula Ridgw., A. rubripes Brewster, A. Diazi Ridgw. und einige andere zähle, herauszuziehen und für sie eine besondere eigene Untergattung aufzustellen, die neben den Untergattungen Polionetta Oates (vielleicht unnötig!), Afranas Roberts, Melananas Roberts und Horizonetta Oberh. nach meinem Dafürhalten den Inhalt der Hauptgattung Anas Linnaeus bildet.  Im Hinblick auf die geographische Verbreitung der zu dieser neuen Untergattung gehören einzigen Art Anas luzonica Fraser benenne ich die neue Untergattung Philippinetta subgen. nov.  Genotypus ist demnach: Anas luzonica Fraser, die also nunmehr nach meiner Auffassung Anas (Philippinetta) luzonica Fraser heisst." (von Boetticher 1937) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Philippinetta von Boetticher, 1937, Festschrift zum 60 Geburtstage von Prof. Dr. Embrik Strand, III, p. 585.  Type, by original designation, Anas luzonica Fraser, 1839." (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae; syn. Histrionicus Harlequin Duck H. histrionicus) Gr. φλυαξ phluax, φλυακος phluakos  jester; νηττα nētta  duck; "cc) Subgenus Phlyaconetta Nob. *)  ...  *) Subgeneris novi, a φλυαξ  histrio et νηττα  anas, derivati, typum Anatem histrionicam proposui   ...   Subgenus 5. PHLYACONETTA NOB.  ...  Species unica: Fuligula (Phlyaconetta) histrionica. (Anas histrionica Linn.)   OBSERVATIO. Phlyaconettae ob rostri unco magno, modice hamato instructi figuram et colorem, porro ob ptiloseos frontalis, genalis et mentalis rationem, nec non ob marium ptilosi nuptiali indutorum picturam admodum variegatam, quamvis peculiarem, nominatim ob gulam et mentum, nec non dorsum crissum et caudam atris, abdomen fuscum, caudae figuram et pedum caudaeque colorem Polystictis sine dubitatione approximari debent.  Cum Hareldis Phlyaconettae unci rostralis magnitudine, caudae figura et quodammodo etiam feminarum et juniorum colore conveniunt" (Brandt 1847); "Phlyaconetta Brandt, 1847, Fuligulam (Lampronettam) Fischeri, novam avium rossicarum speciem praemiss. obs. Fuligularum generis, p. 13.  Type, by original designation, Anas histrionica Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021) (see Phylaconetta).


(Anatidae; syn. Histrionicus † Harlequin Duck H. histrionicus) Gr. φυλαξ phulax, φυλακος phulakos  guardian; νηττα nētta  duck; "HISTRIONICUS, Lesson.  ...  Phylaconetta, BRANDT, Mem. Ac. St. Pet. VI. 1849.  ...  Phylaconetta histrionica, BRANDT, Mem. Acad. St. Pet. Sc. Nat. VI, 1849, 9." (Baird 1860); an obvious lapsus for Phlyaconetta Brandt, although listed in Waterhouse 1889, and only included here because of the disparate etymology.


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Indian Spot-billed Duck A. poecilorhyncha) Gr. πολιος polios  grey; νηττα nētta  duck; "The Grey Ducks differ from the True Ducks in so many important respects that I am obliged to regard them as a very distinct group.  They have given up their migratory habits and have become localised.  As a consequence, they require to fly less, and the wing is therefore more blunt than in the True Ducks, as indicated by the greater length of the outer secondaries  ...  There is no genus in which the Grey Ducks can be placed, and I therefore propose the name Polionetta for them, with Polionetta pœcilorhyncha as the type of the genus." (Oates 1899); "Polionetta Oates, 1899, Manual of the Game Birds of India, Pt. II, p. 149.  Type, by original designation, Polionetta poecilorhyncha, i.e. Anas poecilorhyncha J. Forster, 1781." (JAJ 2021).


(Anatidae; Hartlaub's Duck P. hartlaubii) Gr. πτερον pteron  feather; νηττα nētta  duck; "PTERONETTA.  ... Type. P. hartlaubi.  Plumage plain with no mottlings, and no metallic speculum as in Asarcornis, but the frontal feathers in a straight line, the lateral frontal ridges of the bill not extending backwards through the feathers of the forehead; tail graduated, but somewhat shorter. Sexes similar." (Salvadori 1895); "Pteronetta Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. xxvii, p. 63, 1895.  Type by original designation, Querquedula hartlaubii Cassin." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 44).


(Anatidae; syn. Spatula  Puna Teal S. puna) Specific name Anas puna von Tschudi, 1844; Gr. νηττα nētta  duck; "26. Punanetta, Bp.  78. leucogenys, Tschudi. (A. puna, Licht.  Querquedula puna, Cab.)" (Bonaparte 1856); "Punanetta Bonaparte, 1856, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XLIII, p. 649.  Type, by monotypy, Punanetta leucogenys von Tschudi, i.e. Bonaparte, 1856 = Anas puna "Lichtenstein" von Tschudi, 1844." (JAJ 2021).


(‡ Anatidae; Ϯ Giant Eider S. hasegawai) Shiriya, north-eastern Honshu, Japan; Gr. νηττα nētta  duck. This large sea-duck, known only from fossils, was considered related to PolystictaSomateria and Chendytes.


(Anatidae; Baikal Teal S. formosa) Mod. L. Sibiria  Siberia  < Sibir, a former Tartar khanate; Gr. νηττα nētta  duck; alluding to the breeding range of this duck; "Nettion formosum (Georgi)  ...  Offenbar bildet sie einen Uebergang von den echten Krickenten, Nettion Kaup., zu den Sichelenten, Eunetta Bp. (mit der einzigen Art. Eu. falcata [Georgi]).  Ich möchte daher dafür eintreten, auch diese Art wenigstens subgenerisch von der Gruppe crecca - georgicum zu sondern.  In Ermangelung eines trotz eifrigster Forschung mir bekannten älteren Namens schlage ich hiermitin Ansehung des Verbreitungsgebietes dieser Form für die neue Untergattung den Namen vor:  Sibirionetta subgen. nov.   ...   Sibirionetta subgen. nov.  generi Nettion Kaup simile: sed rostro fortiore latioreque, rectricibus semper quatuordecim, scapularibus non solum elongatis acuminatisque sed etiam multo longioribus.  Typus: S. formosa (Georgi)." (von Boetticher 1929); "Sibirionetta von Boetticher, 1929, Anzeiger Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, II, pp. 11, 15.  Type, by original designation, S. formosa (Georgi), i.e. Anas formosa Georgi, 1775." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Sibironetta, Sibrionetta.


(Anatidae; Freckled Duck S. naevosa) Gr. στικτος stiktos  spotted  < στιζω stizō to tattoo; νηττα nētta  duck; "Genera et Species typicae.  ...  1. Marecinae  ...  b. *Stictonetta Rchb. naevosa (Anas — Gould. Tad. — Gray.) R.  Ic. Av. t. 93. ic. 431." (Reichenbach 1853); "Stictonetta Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Syst. Nat. (1852), p. 9.  Type, by original designation, Anas naevosa Gould." (Johnsgard in Peters, 1979, I, 2nd ed., p. 446).


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Northern Pintail A. acuta) Gr. τραχηλος trakhēlos  neck; νηττα nētta  duck; "1. Anas acuta.  ...  1. Spießente. Trachelonetta *).  (Anas acuta).   E[ntwickelung]. Wie bei Bernicla.   Ch[arakter]. Enten mit sehr langem, dünnem Hals und verlängerten mittleren Schwanzfedern.   L[ebensart]. Hierin ähneln sie den wahren Enten.   ...   *) τραχηλος, Hals; νηττα, Ente." (Kaup 1829); "Trachelonetta Kaup, Skizz. Entw. Gesch. Nat. Syst. Europ. Thierw., p. 115, 1829—type, by monotypy, Anas acuta Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 356).


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Campbell Island Teal A. nesiotis) Gr. ξενος xenos  stranger; νηττα nētta  duck; "The duck inhabiting Campbell Island, one of the subantarctic islands of the New Zealand region, appears to differ both in genus, and species from Nesonetta aucklandica of the Auckland Islands.  The genus may be known as: XENONETTA, gen. nov.  Bill narrow, not broad as in Nesonetta; culmen line, and sides of the maxilla nearly straight; lamellae and maxillary flap poorly developed; nail shorter and rounder than in Nesonetta; nasal openings small and oval.  Mandible narrow, the gnathidia compressed at base.  Wings short, the shafts weak; tail wedge-shaped, the shafts stiff.  Tarsi reticulate.   The species may be known as: XENONETTA NESIOTIS, sp. nov." (Fleming 1935); "Xenonetta Fleming, 1935, Occ. Papers Royal Ontario Mus. Zool., 1, p. 1.  Type, by monotypy, Xenonetta nesiotis Fleming, 1935." (JAJ 2021).

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