The Key to Scientific Names

Edited by James A. Jobling
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(Pardalotidae; syn. Pardalotus Red-browed Pardalote P. rubricatus yorki) Gr. δι- di-  double-  < δις dis  twice  < δυο duo  two; genus Pardalotus Vieillot, 1816, pardalote; "DIPARDALOTUS, gen. nov.   Type Pardalotus rubricatus yorki Mathews." (Mathews 1922); "Dipardalotus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec. vol. iv. p. 7, July 17th, 1922.  Type (by original designation): Pardalotus rubricatus yorki Math." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 722).


(Pardalotidae; syn. Pardalotus Forty-spotted Pardalote P. quadragintus) Gr. νησος nēsos  island (= Tasmania); genus Pardalotus Vieillot, 1816, pardalote; "1,132. NESOPARDALOTUS, gen. nov.  Differs from Pardalotus in its shorter, heavier bill, and in the wing formula, the first four primaries being longest and subequal.  Type, Pardalotus quadragintus Gould." (Mathews 1912); "Nesopardalotus Mathews, 1912, Austral Avian Record, I, p. 115.  Type, by original designation, Pardalotus quadragintus Gould, 1838." (JAJ 2020).


Gr. παρδαλωτος pardalōtos  spotted like a leopard  < παρδαλος pardalos  leopard.
● ex “Grimpar Flambé” of Levaillant 1807 (Xiphorhynchus).


(Pardalotidae; Ϯ Spotted Pardalote P. punctatus) French Pardalote  pardalote  <  Gr. παρδαλωτος pardalōtos  spotted like a leopard  < παρδαλος pardalos  leopard (cf. "Παρδαλωτος, spotted like a panther. I think the original name was pardalonotusπαρδαλος, spotted, νωτον, back: a very applicable designation" (Ashmolean 1836)); "PARDALOTUS  ...  Panthervogel." (Cabanis 1853); "PARDALOTE, Pardalotus.  Pipra, Lath.  Bec très-court, un peu robuste, à base dilatée sur les bords, entier, conoïde, épais à la pointe; mandibule supérieure un peu arquée; l'inférieure convexe en dessous.   Esp. Pipra punctata, Lath." (Vieillot 1816); "Pardalotus Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 31. Type, by monotypy, Pipra punctata Shaw and Nodder." (Salomonsen in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 202).
Var. ParadalotusPardalotis, Pardolotus.
Synon. Dipardalotus, Nesopardalotus, Pardalotinus, Spizites.

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