The Key to Scientific Names

Edited by James A. Jobling
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Gr. τρυπανον trupanon  drill, bore  < τρυπαω trupaō  to pierce; κοραξ  korax,  κορακος  korakos  raven  < κρωζω krōzō  to croak (cf. genus Trypanocorax Kaup, 1855, rook) (syn. Corvus frugilegus).


(Corvidae; syn. Corvus Rook C. frugilegus) Gr. τρυπανον trupanon  drill, bore  < τρυπαω trupaō  to pierce; κοραξ  korax,  κορακος  korakos  raven  < κρωζω krōzō  to croak; "a. Corveæ  ...  b. Corone, Kp.  -  c. Trypanocorax, Bp.  -  d. Amblycorax, Bp." (Bonaparte 1854); "Moneduleae **)  ...  **) Zu den Moneduleae gehört als 4. Gruppe Trypanocorax." (Kaup 1855); "Trypanocorax Kaup (C. frugilegus L.) setis nasalibus deciduis et plumis juguli laceris, nec densis nitidisque, agnoscendus; vix tamen genus distinctum" (Sundevall 1872); "Trypanocorax Sundevall (ex Bonaparte 1), Meth. Av. Tent., p. 43, 1872—type, by monotypy, Corvus frugilegus Linnaeus.   ...   Trypanocorax Bonaparte (Ann. Sci. Nat., (4), Zool., 1, p. 113, 1854) is a nomen nudum." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 1).

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