The Key to Scientific Names

Edited by James A. Jobling
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‡ (Rallidaesyn. Atlantisia Ϯ St. Helena Rail A. podarces) Gr. αφανης aphanēs  vanished, invisible; genus Crex Bechstein, 1803, crake. The St Helena Rail had disappeared within a few years of the island having been discovered in the early 16th century.


L. carex, caricis  reed, rush, sedge.


(Accipitridae; syn. Buteo Galapagos Hawk B. galapagoensis) Doubtless based on either the genus Caracara Merrem, 1826, caracara (from its scavenging habits) or genus Crax Linnaeus, 1758, curassow (from its terrestrial habits, general appearance, and black and brown plumage); L. rex, regis  king; "CRAXIREX. Gould.  ...  MR. GOULD was partly led to institute this genus from the facts communicated to him by me regarding the habits of the following species, which is found in the Galapagos Archipelago, and there supplies the place of the Polybori and Milvagines of the neighbouring continent of America.  If a principle of classification founded on habits alone, were admissable, this bird, as will presently be shown, undoubtedly would be ranked with more propriety in the sub-family of Polyborinæ, than amongst the Buzzards.  ...  taken conjointly with its habits, this bird supplies a most interesting link in the chain of affinities, by which the true buzzards pass into the great American sub-family of carrion-feeding hawks.  ...  CRAXIREX GALAPAGOENSIS. Gould" (Gould 1839); "Craxirex Gould, in Darwin, Zool. Beagle, 3, Birds, Part 6, p. 22, Jan., 1839—type, by monotypy, Polyborus galapagoensis Gould." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 84).
Var. Craxirer.


● Gr. κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  noisy braggart (subsp. Cincloramphus timoriensis).
● Gr. κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  long-legged bird mentioned by Herodotus, Aristophanes, Aristotle, and other authors, since identified with a wide variety of birds, including the Corncrake (on the assumption that the name is onomatopoeic, as indicated by Linnaeus); "83. RALLUS.  ...  Crex.  1. R. alis rufo-ferrugineis.  Ortygometra alis rufo-ferrugineis. Fn. svec. 162.  Ortygometra. Aldr. orn. l. 13. c. 23. Will. orn. 522. t. 29. Raj. av. 58. Alb. av. I. p. 30. t. 32.  Habitat in Europæ agris, carectis; victitat LumbricisCorpus valde compressum; vesperi & nocte sonorus voce ingeminata crex." (Linnaeus 1758) (Crex).


(Rallidae; Ϯ Corncrake C. crex) Specific name Rallus crex Linnaeus, 1758; "LIIII. Gattung: Knarrer. Crex.   Schnabel: Kurz, an den Seiten zusammengedrückt, fast bis an die Spitze gleich breit.  Nasenlöcher: Länglich, in der Mitte des Schnabels.  Füße: Mit mittelmäßig langen getrennten Zehen.  Leib: Zusammengedrückt.   Diese Gattung hält das Mittel zwischen der vorhergehenden [Rallus] und nachfolgenden [Gallinula] in Lebensart, Schnabel und Fußform.   * 1. Wiesenknarrer (Wachtelkönig: C. pratensis, mihi)  ...  Rallus Crex, Linné." (Bechstein 1803); "Crex Bechstein, Orn. Taschenb. Deutschl, Th. 2, 1803, p. 336. Type, by monotypy and tautonymy, Crex pratensis Bechstein = Rallus crex Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 181). In former days the rasping call of the Corncrake was commonly heard in Britain, but its numbers and distribution have dramatically shrunk due to changed farming practices and loss of habitat.
Synon. Crecopsis, Ortygometra.
● (Rallidae; syn. Porzana † Sora P. carolina) Gr. κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  long-legged bird mentioned by Herodotus, Aristophanes, Aristotle, and other authors, since identified with a wide variety of birds; “Crex Illig.:  Gallinula carolina Wils. pl. 48 fig. 1. u. andere.” (Boie 1826); “Crex “Illig.” Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 979 (not of Bechstein, 1803).  Type, by monotypy, Gallinula carolina, Wilson = Rallus carolinus Linnaeus, 1758.” (JAJ 2023).


(Furnariidae; Ϯ Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper D. rufigula) Gr. δενδρον dendron  tree; εξεταστης exetastēs  examiner  < εξεταζω exetazō  to examine; "DENDREXETASTES, N. G.   Generic Character.  Rostrum validum, arcuatum, parum cultratum, haud altior quam latum, naribus magnis vix ovalibus. Pedes tarsique validi, cauda duabus rectricibus mediis longissimis.    Dendrexetastes capitoides, Eyton." (Eyton 1851); "Dendrexetastes Eyton, Contr. Orn. for 1851, 1851, p. 76. Type, by monotypy, Dendrexetastes capitoides Eyton = Dendrocolaptes rufigula Lesson." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 25) (see capitoides).
Var. Dendroxetastes.
Synon. Cladoscopus.


(Rallidae; Ϯ Watercock G. cinerea) Portmanteau of genera Gallus Brisson 1760, fowl, and Crex Bechstein, 1803, crake; "Genus GALLICREX, Blyth.  1660. G. CRISTATUS.  SYN. Gallinula cristata, Latham.  G. plumbea, Vieillot.  G. lugubris (male), and G. gularis (female), Horsfield.  Rallus rufescens apud Jerdon, Madr. Journ. XII. 205 (female).  Fulica cinerea, Gmelin.   Kora, or Kongra, Beng.; Bontod, and Bureng, Jav.  ...  Common in Bengal.  A. Male in breeding state, with the frontal caruncle fully developed." (Blyth 1852); "Gallicrex Blyth, Cat. Bds. Mus. As. Soc., 1849 (1852), p. 283. Type, by monotypy, G. cristatus = Fulica cinerea Gmelin." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 202).
Synon. Gallinulopha, Hypnodes.


(Musophagidae; Ϯ Purple-crested Turaco G. porphyreolophus) L. gallus  farmyard cock, cockerel; rex, regis  king; "XLII. Gallirex anaïs, Lesson, sp. nov.   ...   Le genre gallirex de moi, ayant 2 espèces, le musophaga gigantea de Vieillot, et l'espèce nouvelle décrite dans ce catalogue.  ...  Le genre gallirex s'éloigne peu de celui appelé corythaix. Cependant il en diffère en ce que le bec a sa mandibule supérieure plus haute, plus convexe, ayant les narines nues et percées plus près de sa pointe que de sa base. Le cou est plus allongé, les ailes dépassent à peine le croupion; la queue est longue, deltoïdale, large au sommet; une huppe recouvre la tête; les bords des mandibules sont lisses ou dentelés; le pourtour de l'œil nu.  Le corythaix ou gallirex anaïs, que j'ai dédié à ma fille si cruellement enlevée à ma tendresse, est un magnifique oiseau. Une huppe comprimée, élevée, formé sur le sommet de la tête une sorte de cimier tronqué en avant. Cette huppe est à la naissance, ainsi que les plumes du front, des joues, des oreilles, du plus riche vert doré; mais presque dès sa base cette même huppe, qui descend jusqu'au milieu du cou, est du plus somptueux bleu-violet métallisé." (Lesson 1844); "Gallirex Lesson, 1844, Écho du Monde Savant, col. 110.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 149 (Appendix)), Musophaga porphyreolopha Vig., i.e. Gallirex anais Lesson, 1844 = Corythaix porphyreolopha Vigors, 1831." (JAJ 2021).
Synon. Ruwenzorornis.


Brazilian Portuguese name Guarichó for various wrens (syn. Troglodytes musculus) (see guarixa).


(Rallidae; Ϯ Blue-faced Rail G. rosenbergii) Gr. γυμνος gumnos  bare, naked; genus Crex Bechstein, 1803, corncrake; "Gen. nov. Gymnocrex, SALVAD.  (γνμνος [sic] nudus et crex).  Novum genus ex familia Rallidarum; rostro capitis longitudinem aequante, basi valde elevato, apicem versus attenuato, naribus ovalibus; lateribus capitis late nudis; tarsis elongatis; digitis brevibus, praesertim halluce; alis latis; cauda mediocri, rectricibus mollibus.  Typus: Rallina rosenbergii, Schleg.   Sp. 75. Gymnocrex rosenbergii (SCHLEG.)  ...  Questa specie è ben descritta dallo Schlegel, ma certamente non appartiene al genere Rallina; il becco molto alto alla base ed assottigliato alla punta, ed il grande spazio nudo intorno agli occhi, specialmente nella parte posteriore, distinguono questa forma da tutte le altre." (Salvadori 1875); "Gymnocrex Salvadori, 1875, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, VII, p. 678.  Type, by original designation, Rallina rosenbergii Schlegel, 1866." (JAJ 2022).
Synon. Schizoptila.


(Rallidae; Ϯ Yellow-breasted Crake H. flaviventer) Gr. ἁπαλος hapalos  delicate; κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  crake; "HAPALOCREX gen. nov. (Rallidæ)  TYPE: Rallus flaviventris Boddaert.  Very small Ralleæ (wing about 66-69 mm.) with longest feather of alula falling short of tips of longest primary coverts; bill nearly as long as head; toes very long (the combined length of first two phalanges of middle toe as long as tarsus, the hallux, without claw, half as long as tarsus), and with a white superciliary stripe and black loral stripe.   ('Aπαλος, delicate; κρεξ, a crake.)" (Ridgway 1920); "Hapalocrex Ridgway, 1920, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 72 (4), p. 3.  Type, by original designation, Rallus flaviventris Boddaert, 1783." (JAJ 2021).


‡ (Rallidae; Ϯ Hova Gallinule H. roberti) Hova, an indigenous clan of Madagascar; genus Crex Bechstein, 1803, crake. The Hova Gallinule of Madagascar is known only from subfossil remains. Some authors deem the remains insufficient to warrant generic separation from Gallinula.


(Rallidae; syn. Laterallus White-throated Crake L. albigularis cinereiceps) Gr. λιμνη limnē  marsh; κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  crake; "LIMNOCREX gen. nov.  (Rallidæ)   TYPE: Porzana cinereiceps Lawrence.   Small Ralleæ (wing about 70-78 mm.) with longest feather of alula extending decidedly beyond tips of longest primary coverts; nostril narrowly elliptical; tarsus shorter than middle toe without claw (but longer than combined length of first two phalanges of middle toe); outermost primary as long as (sometimes longer than) distal secondary; bill subcuneate (tapering) in lateral profile, the culmen elevated and more or less arched basally; and with sides, flanks, and under tail-coverts conspicuously barred black and white.     (Λιμνη, a pool, marsh; κρεξ, a crake.)    SPECIES: Limnocrex cinereiceps (Lawrence); Limnocrex albigularis (Lawrence); Limnocrex exilis (Temminck).  (Possibly the following species, which I have nor seen, may also be referable to this genus: Porzana œnops Sclater and Salvin; P. levraudi Sclater and Salvin, and Rallus leucopyrrhus Vieillot.)" (Ridgway 1920); "Limnocrex Ridgway, 1920, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 72 (4), p. 3.  Type, by original designation, Porzana cinereiceps Lawrence, 1875." (JAJ 2021).


(Rallidae; New Guinea Flightless Rail M. inepta) Gr. μεγας megas great; genus Crex Bechstein, 1803, crake; the New Guinea Flightless Rail is a large, bulky bird, capable of protecting itself against predators by kicking and pecking; "Nov. gen. MEGACREX ex familia RALLIDARUM praebet rostrum mediocre, culmine ad frontem lato et in scutum postice rotundatum, fere ut in genere GALLINULA, desinente; pedes longiusculos, robustos ut in RALLINA TRICOLORI; alas parvas, ad volatum forsan ineptas; digitum externum alae ungue arcata praeditum; caudam brevissimam; staturam inter aves rallidas permagnam.   TYPUS:  Sp. 157.  Megacrex inepta, D'ALB. & SALVAD. nov. sp.  ...  Questo singolare uccello é uno dei più grandi dei Rallidi, e per la colorazione ricorda moltissimo alcune specie del genere americano Aramides; forse esso è realmente affine a questo genere e sarebbe così il terzo esempio, dopo l'Harpyopsis novaeGuineae, ed il Tigrisoma heliosylos, di specie della Nuova Guinea, che sembrano avere le affini a loro nell' America meridionale!" (d'Albertis & Salvadori 1879); "Megacrex d'Albertis and Salvadori, 1879, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, XIV,  p. 129.  Type, by original designation, Megacrex inepta d'Albertis and Salvadori, 1879." (JAJ 2021).


(Sarothruridae; Ϯ Madagascar Wood Rail M. kioloides) Gr. μεντον menton   nevertheless, surely (cf. L. mentum  chin); genus Crex Bechstein, 1803, crake; "Canirallus was first proposed by Bonaparte in the Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 43, 1856, p. 600. No diagnosis was given, but two species were listed: Gallinula oculea "Temminck" [= Hartlaub] and Gallinula kioloides Pucheran, in the order named. The first fixation of type for the genus that I have been able to discover was that of Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., vol. 23, 1894, p. 72, who designated Gallinula oculea Hartlaub. No generic name being available for the Madagascan bird it may be called  MENTOCREX gen. nov.  Type (and only known species), Gallinula kioloides Pucheran.  Characters. — Differs utterly from Canirallus Bonaparte in the character of the nostril   ...   Mentocrex has the nostril much smaller, narrower and imperforate; the bill is relatively shorter and stouter." (J. Peters 1932); "Mentocrex Peters, Proc. New Engl. Zoöl. Cl., 13, 1932, p. 65.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Gallinula kioloides Pucheran." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 180) (see Canirallus).
Var. Mentrocrex.


(Rallidae; syn. Mustelirallus Ϯ Paint-billed Crake M. erythrops) Gr. νεος neos  new; κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  crake; "Genus 3. PORZANA.  ...  the following may serve as a temporary arrangement of the subgenera:  ...  c. major: tarsus et digiti breves. . . . .7. Neocrex.  ...  (7) NEOCREX.  18. PORZANA ERYTHROPS." (P. Sclater & Salvin 1869); "Neocrex Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 457. Type, by monotypy, Porzana erythrops Sclater." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 194).


(Rallidae; syn. Himantornis Nkúlengú  Rail H. haematopus) Gr. ψαμμος psammos  sand; κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  crake; "En résumé, l'oiseau rapporté par M. Petit, tout en appartenant certainement à la famille des Rallidés, ne peut être attribué à aucun des genres connus de ce groupe zoologique et mérite de devenir le type d'un genre particulier pour lequel je proposerai le nom, de Psammocrex. Ce nom qui signifie Râle des sables, me parait convenir à un oiseau dont les pattes ne sont certainement pas conformés pour marcher sur des terrains marécageux, mais semblent plutôt faites pour courir sur sol sablonneux.  ...  Psammocrex, nov. gen.  ...  Psammocrex Petiti, nov. spec." (Oustalet 1884); "Psammocrex Oustalet, 1884, Le Naturaliste, 4me année,  II (64), p. 509.  Type, by original designation, Psammocrex petiti Oustalet, 1884 = Himantornis haematopus Hartlaub, 1855." (JAJ 2021).


(Musophagidae; syn. Tauraco  Hartlaub's Turaco T. hartlaubi) Gr. ψευδος pseudos  false; genus Gallirex Lesson, 1844, turaco; "8. Pseudogallirex n. subgen.  Genotyp: Corythaix hartlaubi FISCHER & REICHENOW, Journ. Orn. 1884, S. 52 (Meru-Berg bei dem Kilima-Njaro).  Diagnose: Von allen anderen Arten durch die hollenartige Haube aus seidigen, weichen, haarartigen, metallisch blau schimmernden Federn deutlich zu unterscheiden. Von Gallirex-artigem Charakter" (SCHALOW, J. f. O. 34, 1886).  Umfang: Touraco (Pseudogallirex) hartlaubi (FISCHER & REICHENOW) mit den vielleicht (?) doch wohl validen Rassen crissalis MEARNS, caerulescens MEARNS und medius MEARNS." (von Boetticher 1947); "Pseudogallirex von Boetticher, 1947, Senckenbergiana, 28, p. 4.  Type, by original designation, Corythaix hartlaubi Fischer and Reichenow, 1884." (JAJ 2021).


L. rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule (e.g. larger, crowned, with more colourful or regal plumage).
● ex “Roi des Oiseaux de Paradis” of Sonnerat 1776 (syn. Cicinnurus regius).
● ex “Roi des fourmiliers de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 702, and “King Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Grallaria varia).
● ex “Perroquet Lori Radhia” of Levaillant 1801-1805 (syn. Lorius domicella).
● King I., Bass Strait, Australia (syn. Pardalotus quadragintus, subsp. Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera).
● Carlos Fernando Francisco de Assis de Bragança Sabóia Bourbon y Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha Duque de Bragança and King of Portugal (1863-1908; reigned 1889-1908 assassinated) (subsp. Stactolaema anchietae).


(Regulidae; syn. Regulus Goldcrest R. regulus) L. rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule. This is undoubtedly only a substantive name (e.g. "LE ROITELET (a).  ...  (a) Tyrannusο Tυραννος, Aristote, Hist. Animal. lib. III, cap. VIII.  Rex Avium, ibidem, lib. IX, cap. I  ...  Regulus, basiliscus, parra, regaliolus" (de Buffon 1787)).


Rex Pimento (fl. 1979) Indian field-ornithologist, collector on Nicobar Is. and Andaman Is. (subsp. Ninox scutulata).


L. rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule; pinetum  pine wood; the “Pine King” of Swinhoe 1863  < Taiwanese name Sam ong for this cuckooshrike (subsp. Coracina javensis).


(Rallidae; syn. Zapornia Baillon's Crake Z. pusilla) Gr. σχοινος skhoinos  rush, reed; κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  crake; "Sharpe (Handl. I. 100, 1899) places Crex egregia Peters under the generic name of Crecopsis Sharpe, which is admitted as correct; but Ortygometra pusilla (Pallas) is placed by him under Porzana Vieillot, which upon the same basis should be kept separate, pusilla being more akin to Zapornia Leach in the shortness of its hind toe.  I would, however, place pusilla in a distinct genus under the new name of SCHOENOCREX, on account of the difference in the shape of the wing, the relationship of Zapornia to this genus being equivalent to Crex and Crecopsis." (A. Roberts 1922); "Schoenocrex A. Roberts, 1922, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 197.  Type, by monotypy, Ortygometra pusilla, i.e. Rallus pusillus Pallas, 1776." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Schoenoscrex.


L. segrex, segregis  separate, apart  < segregare  to separate  < grex, gregis  herd, flock.


Gr. Σηρες Sēres   the people from whom silk was obtained, the Chinese.


(Rallidae; syn. Laterallus Ruddy Crake L. ruber) Gr. θρυον thruon  reed, rush; κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  crake; "THRYOCREX gen. nov.  (Rallidæ)  TYPE: Corethrura rubra Sclater and Salvin.   Small Ralleæ (wing about 81-85 mm.) with bill not conspicuously deeper at base than at gonydeal angle, its width at posterior end of nostril equal to decidedly more than half its depth at same point; malar antia slightly anterior to the broadly rounded (convex) loral antia; longest feather of alula extending beyond tips of longest primary coverts; outermost primary not projecting beyond tip of distal secondary; tarsus longer than middle toe without claw, and under parts plain cinnamon-rufous.    (Θρυον, a rush; κρεξ, a crake.)    SPECIES: Thryocrex rubra (Sclater and Salvin).  (Monotypic.)" (Ridgway 1920); "Thryocrex Ridgway, 1920, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 72 (4), p. 72.  Type, by original designation, Corethrura rubra P. Sclater and Salvin, 1860." (JAJ 2021).   
Var. Thrypocrex.


(Rallidae; syn. Rallina † Slaty-legged Crake R. eurizonoides) Gr. ζωνη zōnē  band, girdle; genus Crex Bechstein, 1803, crake (cf. Gr. κρεξ krex, κρεκος krekos  long-legged bird, variously identified) (AT; see Manuscript-names).

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