Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Scientific name definitions

Brian J. McCaffery and Robert E. Gill
Version: 1.0 — Published March 4, 2020

Originally Appeared in

Diet and Foraging


Main Foods Taken

Varies with season. Mainly invertebrates, especially marine mollusks, crustaceans, and worms during nonbreeding; insects, spiders, and berries during breeding.

Microhabitat For Foraging

See Habitat, above. On breeding grounds, forages over dwarf-shrub meadow tundra where food items picked from surface or probed for within basal vegetation; also in graminoid meadows and freshwater wetlands ranging in size from 0.1 to dozens of hectares. In Norway, prelaying males foraged more than expected in crowberry-dominated peat bogs and females more in wet cottongrass (Eriophorum) bogs (Larsen 1993). On nonbreeding grounds, including fall staging in Alaska, almost entirely coastal, usually on soft substrates where foods probed for to depth of bill length and in water up to 15 cm deep. Significant nonrandom use of microhabitat by sexes found in Netherlands Wadden Sea with females foraging at tide line and males on exposed mudflats (C. Both unpubl.). In n. Poland, 80% of postbreeding individuals fed in water (54% in water >10 cm deep); remainder fed on sand beach (18%) and on mudflats (2%; Stawarczyk 1984). In Ghana, required water depth ≤10 cm (Ntiamoa-Baidu et al. 1998). In Alaska, postbreeders often feed on tundra adjacent to intertidal feeding areas (McCaffery 1998b). In North America away from Alaska, reported primarily from outer coast on ocean beaches and estuaries (see Distribution: the Americas, above).

Food Capture And Consumption

Active forager day and night; prey location either visual or tactile (Evans 1976b). On breeding grounds, picks items from surface while walking or probes for items in matted vegetation (lichens, mosses, grasses), often inserting and twisting bill (see below). Items usually swallowed with head down, but will sometimes raise head to horizontal to swallow berries. Away from breeding grounds probes for food or, in case of tundra-foraging birds during fall staging, picks individual fruits (mostly crowberry). Latter averaged 13.9 berries/min ± 0.5 SE (n = 132; McCaffery 1998b). On soft substrates, uses variety of capture techniques. Mostly probes vertically, often rotating head as bill inserted into substrate (Evans 1975b, Pierre 1994); bill often inserted to base and, if foraging in shallow water, will submerge entire head (REG, BJM). Also uses shallow probes and "stitching" action (rapid series of probes, usually shallow, and close together), both behaviors as in Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus). Recorded using "mowing" action similar to several Tringinae in which bird walks moving head from side to side with tip of bill just touching mud and lower mandible vibrating to disturb prey (Cramp and Simmons 1983). Also gleans from surface of substrate and has been seen fluttering above breaking waves taking unidentified prey, raking muddy sand with feet, and feeding on insect larvae on roots of Casuarina exposed by digging of turtles (Higgins and Davies 1996).

Quantitative data on foraging of birds while in Alaska mostly restricted to McCaffery 1998b . Elsewhere degree of feeding activity (time spent feeding, rate of probing) varies depending on tide, weather, day length, season, and behavior of prey (e.g., Goss-Custard et al. 1977a, Piersma 1982a, Zwarts et al. 1990b). In Europe, females tended to feed in deeper water than males, with males feeding in deeper water less successfully than males at tide line. Females equally successful in both locations. Birds feeding singly had lower rates of prey capture than those in flocks. In flocks , averaged 76.4 probes/min ± 3.1 SD with 1.9 ± 0.2 SD items swallowed/min; single birds averaged 50.3 probes/min ± 11.5 SD and 0.7 items/min ± 0.3 SD. Individuals also detect fewer prey when drop in ambient temperature slows activity of prey (Smith and Evans 1973, Evans and Smith 1975, Smith 1975d; but see Goss-Custard Goss-Custard 1977, Goss-Custard 1984). In Netherlands in fall and spring, birds averaged 17.2 and 20.3 probes/min, respectively, and 2.8 and 2.1 items swallowed/min, or 189-216 g food ingested/low-tide feeding period (Smit and Wolff 1981). In New Zealand, female baueri probe rate 26.5 probes/4-min period (1.6 times that of males), but feeding success similar between sexes; success by "tapping" behavior (<50% of bill inserted into mud) significantly greater for males (Pierre 1994). In Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, steps/min and probe rate not different between sexes, but males more successful than females in finding prey (Piersma 1982a). In Australia, search rate for prey on wet sand substrate 110-130 paces/min, with males probing more and having more success than females (Dann 1979); at 2 sites, 3-7 polychaetes ingested/min (Evans 1975b) and 2.1-2.8 items ingested/100 s (Dann 1979). In Australia, piracy of foods by Silver Gulls (Larus novaehollandiae) markedly reduced both feeding rate (more time spent avoiding gulls) and items ingested by godwits (Dann 1979, Taylor et al. 1996).


Major Food Items

Information limited from breeding grounds. Upon arrival in spring, feeds on previous summer's berries, particularly crowberry but possibly Vaccinium spp. During nesting feeds on insects, especially beetles (Carabidae), larval and adult crane flies (Tipulidae), spiders (Araneae), and berries (REG). Stomach of adult male from riparian zone of n. Alaska in mid-Jul contained 70 land snails (Succinea strigita; Maher 1959), while 2 stomachs from Seward Peninsula, AK, held mostly beetles (Carabidae), berries, and land snails (REG; see below). Stomachs of breeding birds from Asia contained beetles (Carabidae, Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae), dipteran flies (including Tipulidae), and larval lepidopterans; elsewhere also annelid worms and occasional seeds and berries, including crowberry (Dement'ev et al. 1951, Glutz Von Blotzheim et al. 1977, V. Krechmar in Cramp and Simmons 1983). Once birds shift to coastal Alaska beginning midsummer, diet almost entirely marine (but see McCaffery 1998b); bivalves (Macoma spp.), amphipods, polychaetes, and seeds major prey items (REG). On nonbreeding grounds of Australasia, adults eat seeds (Poaceae); annelid, polychaete, and oligochaete worms; crustaceans (crabs Macrophthalmus latifrons); insect larvae; moths (Noctuidae); and rarely fruits, domestic grains, fish, and tadpoles (Lane 1987, Higgins and Davies 1996, Taylor et al. 1996,). In Europe (Cramp and Simmons 1983), nonbreeding and migrant birds take mostly annelids (Arenicola, Nereis, Lumbricus, Heteromastus), small crustaceans (Corophium, Carcinus, Crangon, Talitrus), and small mollusks (including Macoma, Hydrobia, Littorina); on occasion, small fish (e.g., Ammodytes) and tadpoles; in grasslands, takes cranefly larvae and lumbricids in grassland.

Quantitative Analysis

Information for L. l. baueri limited. Six stomachs from nonbreeders in Jun on Walrus Is., AK, contained by volume 76.6% Diptera (Chironomidae and Scatophagidae), 17.0% Coleoptera (Salpingidae, Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Curculionidae), 3.6% mollusks (Littorina spp.), 1.3% polychaetes (Nereidae), and 1.0% "vegetable matter" (Preble and McAtee 1923a). From 18 fall-staging birds collected on intertidal areas of w. Alaska in late 1970s (REG), bivalves (Macoma balthica) only food common to all. As percent of total items (n = 1,945): 88% Macoma, 11% seeds (Potamogeton and Potentilla spp.), and <1% amphipods (Anisogammarus pugettensis) and polychaetes (Eteone california and Arenicolidae). Two birds from Alaska breeding grounds in mid-Jun contained (expressed as range of percentage of dry mass and items, with no range given for taxa found in only 1 bird; REG): 1-4% Chironomidae (n = 2-40), 12% Tipulidae (Prionocera sp.; n = 4), 14-19% Carabidae (n = 26-39), 3% Curculionidae (n = 8), 2% Tenebrionidae (n = 4), 11-22% unidentified Coleoptera parts, 1-3% gastropods (land snails; n = 9-28), and 4% crowberry (n = 10-13). From 3 sites in Australia, polychaetes made up 86.7-88.2% of ingested items (n = 918); remaining 11.8-13.3% unidentified (n = 132; Taylor et al. 1996). Polychaetes also important in diet of godwits wintering in w. Africa (Piersma 1982a, Engelmoer et al. 1984). In W Europe during winter, 99.6% diet’s biomass consists out of polychaete worms, including on average 79% Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor, 17% Alitta virens and 2% Arenicola marina (Duijns et al. 2013).

Food Selection and Storage

Little known. In Australia, L. lapponica preyed exclusively on polychaete worms 2-9 cm in length (Taylor et al. 1996). In Great Britain, this godwit takes much higher proportion of smaller prey (polychaete Scoloplos armiger) as substrate temperatures decrease below 3°C (Smith 1975d, Evans 1976b). Not known to store food.

Nutrition and Energetics

In England, estimated to take 97 kcal of polychaetes (Nereis spp.) plus 148 kcal of bivalves (Macoma spp.)/d; calculated daily basal metabolic rate (BMR) of about 34 kcal/d (M. Greenhalgh and W. Hale in Cramp and Simmons 1983). In w. Africa, L. l. lapponica with BMR of 27.9-31.2 kcal/d and daily intake of 19.7-22.0 g ash-free dry weight/d (Engelmoer et al. 1984). No information pertaining to young birds. Mixing of fruit and invertebrates in digestive tracts of staging birds may chemically enhance nutrient assimilation, physically facilitate break-down or passage of food items, and/or maximize rate of nutrient accumulation (McCaffery 1998b).

Metabolism and Temperature Regulation

Northbound e. Atlantic migrants (L. l. taymyrensis) maintain water balance during long flights by flying at optimal altitudes whereby ambient temperature sufficiently low to dissipate heat by convection and minimize water loss through evaporative cooling (Landys et al. 2000). At Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, godwits apparently not heat-stressed during extreme temperatures (Klaassen 1990), but 1,000 km farther south in Guinea-Bissau, T. Piersma (pers. comm.) ob-served godwits swimming in intertidal waters (water temperature 32-34°C) during high tide rather than flying to roost area on beaches (air temperatures 36-43°C). Thermostatic costs influence winter distribution and within-winter movements of L. l. lapponica at sites in German Wadden Sea (Scheiffarth 1996); L. l. baueri depart Alaska in fall before similar cold conditions set in (see Migration: timing and routes of migration, above).

Drinking, Pellet-Casting, and Defecation

Drinks fresh and brackish water by dipping bill in water and tipping head up slightly. Pellet-casting noted in nominate L. l. lapponica on winter grounds in England (Goss-Custard et al. 1977b). Regularly defecates at high-tide roosts (REG).

Recommended Citation

McCaffery, B. J. and R. E. Gill (2020). Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (S. M. Billerman, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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